tell me something. love me. accept me. or just bite me.

Paul - 2004-03-31 10:52:42
Mmm. Cows. Food wrapped in shoes.
Alexia - 2004-03-31 11:24:10
Very interesting entry today! I didn't get a chance to read your sister's wife's whole page yet but wow it's interesting. Has your sister always been open about being gay? How did your parents handle that? I can't even imagine my parents...that would be scary. Of course I am from the Bible Belt but I just wanted to know, it is all very interesting to me. Oh and I can't think of any better word so I guess interesting is my word of the day!!
Aida - 2004-03-31 12:03:01
I've always considered myself knowledgeable on gender stuff, but after reading Julie's story, I realized how ignorant I had been...I mean there is so much to it, im still perplexed, but I definitely learned some new things, thanks for the link.
Carla - 2004-03-31 14:44:21
I'm going to go read your sister's wife's page right now but I had to drop in first and tell you I love the lesbian cows! That's awesome.
Lovechild - 2004-04-01 10:32:52
Is it wrong that those cows are turning me on? Probably.

spill it:


((northside)) ((southside))