tell me something. love me. accept me. or just bite me.

Ali - 2004-05-27 12:09:50
Pimp and ho parties are so much fun!! I loved them when I was in college! Glittery clothes are cheap, buy some and have the time of your life. You won't regret it!!
bathtubmary - 2004-05-27 12:11:06
i've a big annual vegas pimp & ho party on 'real sex.' it gets pretty out of control, if it's the same one they showed. you should totally go as a pimp. you'll stand out from the other ladies and besides, bitches in suits is hot. i'm so jealous of you going to vegas. have the best time. xoxox, d
xperi-mental - 2004-05-27 12:22:44
Have The Fun!
Carla - 2004-05-27 12:40:57
Have fun!!!
gerg69 - 2004-05-27 13:18:27
Yay Vegas! Have fun, Be sure and go to the Paris or whatever it's called. Put 10 dollars on black at Roulette for me. You can keep the winnings. Ha! And don't trip on the hooker cards in the street.
Kathy - 2004-05-28 02:25:14
Have an awsome time!
Gumphood - 2004-05-28 08:55:19
See I thought the Pimp and Hoe party actually meant for me to bring a prostitute. I mean, she was expensive, but I have spent better money to get ten dieseses.
derrick - 2004-05-29 15:22:42
Ooh, Vegas!!! Have a fun trip and remember, whatever happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas... Not that I would have anything to hide. ;)

spill it:


((northside)) ((southside))