tell me something. love me. accept me. or just bite me.

aida - 2004-04-20 12:58:47
the bush/blair video was great. hope you feel better, im sick too.
Leon - 2004-04-20 13:26:50
Well, at least we know they will be HOTT. Pretty intelligent to. I am glad I could make you laugh, and yes, I can do without the LOL and the Rotfl stuff. People that write in that language should shampoo my crotch. By the way, Outside Providence is one of my favorite movies. Nice taste.
The Leon - 2004-04-20 13:49:56
Yes, he cracked me up in that movie. Someone so mean and hateful deserved my respect and admiration. I actually don't use shampoo there, I use a fresh concoction of only the finest fruits and berries. But if you have suggestions I am open to just about any idea. You should give it another chance. I love that movie. It's so, what is the word I am looking for ? Funny, that's it, funny. The part where his friend Drugs writes him the letter just cracked me up.
Ellie - 2004-04-20 13:50:31
I like your site a lot. Just stumbled on to it. By the way. I gave you a 10.

spill it:


((northside)) ((southside))