tell me something. love me. accept me. or just bite me.

Rachele - 2004-02-06 11:30:21
Okay, you listed that you think you look good at home in the mirror, but when you are caught by surprise by your reflection elsewhere, you are shocked. I have the exact same problem, and when I mentioned it to my mom once, she completely said the same thing happens to her. It's a common thing, I guess, but you're the only person I've heard say it besides me and my mom. We're not alone!
Gumphood - 2004-02-11 07:54:40
I particuallly like that you were honest and only did 30. Most people do 100 and its weak. People are like: 67"I love linkin Park" 68"I love the park" 69"I like parking with boys" 70" I can't parrellel park" etc...

spill it:


((northside)) ((southside))